Saturday, January 31, 2009

the pieces of shit use their multiplicity to team up against me everywhere I go. the mob doesn't respect my rights, but I'm expected to respect the rights of the mob, as if they should have a right to do anything but fuck off and die.
unlike me, they don't need reasons, they just insert themselves into my life whenever they want.
if I feel like writing every day, then they coerce me to keep writing every day even when I don't feel like it. if I go one day without writing something, they'll take away my freedom of speech the next day. they are everywhere and they are idiots and they are useless, and they force me to live according to their rules. I wish they'd just fuck off and die, but they never seem to do that.
another weapon is defining you as a 'solipsist'. in a real world there could hardly be any narrower view than solipsism, and during my life this philosophy never especially appealed to me. then I found out that the world is imaginary, and so I must define myself as a 'solipsist' just to avoid persecution. more often than not, I don't want to believe this world is imaginary, but unfortunately I am surrounded by hostile and unreasonable leeches and I constantly have to explain everything to them despite there being no hope of them understanding. their behaviour doesn't make any sense, but they don't actually know it, and they coerce you into living according to their stupidity. I am not recognized as being famous, but everyone acts like they know me intimitely, and if I question them they'll defend the accepted ideology with great force. nobody reads my writings, but if I stop writing they'll coerce me to keep writing. and they all have the same behaviours, personality, and ideology, and they'll all deny knowing who I am, but they use differences in their physical appearance as well as anything else they can in order to exploit me everywhere, and even expect me to treat them better than they treat me.

Friday, January 30, 2009

the pieces of shit attack me in mobs everywhere I go and leech on me in any way they can. they say they don't know who I am, but if I don't ask they act like they know me intimitely, and expect me to behave according to the standards of a society to which I should be grateful in some way, while permitting themselves to act in any way they please. they shun me and restrict my life in every way, and as years pass, no matter how much I do they'll work hard to keep my life at absolute point zero. they involve themselves coercively in every aspect of my life and reduce it to a very narrow routine. if I stray from the routine the mobbings will increase. I work and get no money, and am always kept at this point, and I'm not recognized as being famous in any way but everyone harasses me everywhere I go. basically, this is the polar opposite of a society to which I should be grateful in any way. other things they do to me are too numerous to mention. they act like a collective, and if I recognize them as a collective and treat each member as the collective itself, this is taken as an attack against the entire collective: it doesn't make any sense, they are just leeches.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

to exploit you, they'll even pretend to have emotions, and for you to believe they have emotions they'll expect you to believe a lot of things that don't make any sense. although they make it very difficult to listen to them or look at them, I seem to very often find myself in situations where I have to do precisely that, and be immediately subjected to moral judgments about my intimate life from some piece of shit I've never seen before and never asked the opinion of. no amount, duration, or frequency of psychological torture they put you through seems to be any problem to them, and if you fight back they'll be extremely quick to criticize that.
wherever I go to buy cigarettes, it's not long before the store-clerk has to commit some vileness against me and I have to start going somewhere else. but everywhere I go, everyone is the same.

Monday, January 26, 2009

not only do the pieces of shit permit themselves to invade my privacy, but they don't permit me to have any area of my life with any privacy whatsoever. when I try to reason with them I am reminded that they are idiotic pieces of shit and there is no point in even talking to them. and so I seek an area in my life where I can at least have conversations with myself, and they insert themselves in extremely coercive ways and make that impossible, in order to remind me that they are idiotic pieces of shit and I should not want to have anything to do with them. and I can't even refute it, in fact, it's undeniable: yes, they are idiotic pieces of shit and I do not want anything to do with them. but if I do anything without them in it, despite overwhelming evidence that there is no point in having them in my life in any way, they'll use manipulation to exploit every moment in which I am not thinking about them. the newspapers are full of stories about 'people' dying, but whenever I go anywhere there does not seem to be any lack of them whatsoever.
as ruthlessly as they police your thoughts, so do they deny it and force you to endure their abuse as well as succumb to their lies. living around these pieces of shit certainly drains the meaning out of anything, and one might choose the path of thoughtcrime, which will be met with the immediate implementation of their methods of thought-coercion. basically, the fact that they deny policing your thoughts is actually used against you while they police your thoughts.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

the pieces of shit involve themselves in my life and my thoughts, and restrict the use of my eyes and ears by means of psychological torture. this is enabled by everything being controlled and everyone being the same. they have no intelligence themselves, and will not tolerate any.
they forcefully take the position of 'being on my side', which turns me against my side.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

whenever the world proves to be very insufficient, they have a funny way of turning that against me. their way of revealing themselves is by exercising their authority, force, and judgments on me. if I manage to notice, they are always coordinated, unanimous, and hypocritical.

Friday, January 23, 2009

there is nothing I can do to them and they're incapable of changing, but when they violate my rights I am the one being tested.
it's nothing out of the ordinary that because of my thoughts I will be shunned for indefinite periods of time and be placed on unofficial house-arrest.