Friday, March 27, 2009

their favourite form of exploitation is probably pretending to have feelings, which is funny because after society has left you for dead enough times, it's obvious that they don't.
I would hope for a second pair of eyes to notice the extreme degree to which I am being picked on, but anyone I would hope to notice - they just pick on me also.
unlike the last time that the police-mass turned against me, this time they had taken care to first reduce my life to so little that there is absolutely no means of fighting back.
I know I am right, but my judgment has stopped meaning anything even to me because I am so accustomed to not being listened to, while the leeches just keep eating and eating away.

Monday, March 16, 2009

scary: the mob that suppresses my individuality and coerces everything in my life has acquired the mass conviction that they should have a right to be there and to keep attacking me in great numbers.
in the primeval society, a bad conscience is associated with saying 'I', and with thinking, and it is a matter of great danger to experience doubt.
the nazi population persecutes me for my philosophical views, attacks me in mobs when I try to stand up for my rights, and punishes me for thoughtcrimes that I express in words and even more for thoughtcrimes that I commit inside my thoughts.
when I feel like making one kind of art, they'll shame me into making the other. if I then make the other, they'll tempt me into making the first. and then if I ever feel like making the first again, they'll penalize me for doing what they tempted me to do. but it would be so much more useful if someone just bought my art so that I can have money.
the pieces of shit constantly attack me in swarms. if I react, there is no end to leeching upon that. if I don't react, it will just go back to the way it used to be where they keep attacking me in swarms and I keep not reacting.
their greatest advantage is definitely just being such pieces of shit: they can't hear anything, they are immune to reason, they are not limited by any conscience, and they are just always there in very great numbers for no other reason than being pieces of shit.
when I try to walk a short distance from one place to another in this little society of ours, it is not about getting to that place, but about dealing with the population on the way, and watching what stories they'll tell today and how they'll misinterpret whatever I have written in every conceivable way and what they will tell me I am guilty of and what wound that they created they will keep picking at. and the funniest part of it is that I don't even want to see them, they are the very reason why I avoid going outside whenever possible, and I wish they would just fuck off, but it does not seem as if they know how to do that.
there can hardly be more general statements than the ones I make, especially for someone that writes 'freedom of speech' at the top of every page, and yet these still manage to acquire the most specific and false meanings. maybe the world is just very small, and the society that tyrannizes over me is a society of fucking idiots.
the pieces of shit are pretending to be unhappy with my life. of course, they can't actually feel anything, so this is the best that I can hope for.

Friday, March 13, 2009

in a totalitarian regime, a great weapon, is of course an army. another great weapon, is an entire population serving as army. another great weapon, is absolute control over the environment. another great weapon, is knowing what you are thinking and where you are all the time.
not only do the brutes tell him to kill himself, they constantly attack him in great swarms in efforts to drive him to kill himself. these are the brutes that then tell him to feel guilty for unkind words about them. they do this by means of threats, exploitation, rape, torture, and the use of enormous numbers constantly attacking a single individual. when they call themselves 'liberal', they are lying. when they police his thoughts, it makes them the police. anything the police say, must first be taken as a threat. and no emotion should be felt towards anyone who is the police.
I am told that I live in a society where on rare occasions, the police will release to the public pictures of violent offenders, and that this is considered somewhat controversial. I would think this is pretty barbaric, but then I think of my own life: I haven't committed any crime, and have not been in any newspaper, and yet the mobs are unleashed upon me every time I go outside, and they seem to know everything in my life, and so obviously, anything I'm told is true about this society and anything that's in the newspapers is not even close to being true.
it's not so difficult to see through the lies, but unfortunately I'm surrounded by fucking idiots who exploit everything, leech on everything, and reduce everything to their level by force and their great numbers.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

sometimes I realize that I have actually not done anything wrong, it's just that I am being picked on by the entire population and everyone always wants to take my rights away.
going outside of the house has obviously become very difficult to do ever since the collective has taken over everything, soiled everything, and began policing everything. I know they lie, and yet often I can’t go outside because there is something I know they will exploit and police and they will all do the same, which may take more power of resistance than I happened to feel like expending at that particular time. I can look at my webstats and many other things, and yet the lies can be more convincing when everyone has the same opinion at the same time. on a good day, I’ll walk down the street and be harassed by piece of shit after piece of shit, and then a piece of shit will come along and pretend to be a person and expect to be treated as such, and that will be the worst of it.
if I talk to a piece of shit, it will assure me with much aggression that no one is spying on me, and so often I find myself going outside with the expectation of not being mobbed by a bunch of nazi pieces of shit who spy on me and use everything they spy on against me, and am always disappointed.
but the erratic mob will just have a different story tomorrow.
the pieces of shit constantly make this world even more narrow than it already is by telling me that they are people, and so all the things that apply to me, also apply to them. for one thing, if they were people, there would be no explanation for anyone recognizing me on the street.
the nazi herd population will constantly find excuses to involve itself in your life. if you've managed to stop taking them very seriously, they'll use their unitariness to convince you that you are guilty of something, and so now not only are they justified in being everywhere, but it's beyond questioning that it's ok to spy on you, team up against you, police everything in your life, censor you, and for every member of the population to discriminate against you and harass you everywhere, while still not one of them will admit knowing who you are, although they will hold every detail in your life very much against you.
when good relations with the herd are severed, the herd then resumes its function as police.
I'm taught that racial discrimination is the absolute worst thing there is, unless, of course, it's being done to me, in which case it's ok. but this, I'm taught, is just because of my race.
I have much reason to believe that both my race and gender are complete fabrications, and yet these things are constantly used against me by those who don't have either of these things.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

wouldn't it be funny if it became politically incorrect to say anything bad about 'the collective' or 'the herd' ?
I am not permitted to take off my ear-protection inside my own house, ever.
when I go outside and the whole collective appears much more disapproving of my life than they did last time, is this supposed to mean anything? their very nature is that they always turn against you and stab you in the back.
this website disappears whenever I don't write on it for a day, and every time it disappears the population feels more comfortable invading my privacy, thus they want to coerce me to keep writing every day, although obviously they can't hear a fucking thing, because if they could they'd be able to just look at my previous writings.
it has been determined that the population will be more involved in my life today.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

as always, when it's that time, at the same time everyone proves to be the same.
and when society has shunned you for long enough and left you with no direction to go, you begin receiving threats of arbitrary arrest. perhaps because I have spoken so strongly against it, which to their logic is speaking in favour of it.
day after day, they just always insert themselves into the middle of everything.
all the things society teaches me are really not ok to do, it turns out are ok to do to me.

Monday, March 9, 2009

I am just constantly being policed, and it never stops.
they had to create the particular trauma that left me with fear of not paying attention to them, because I devoted all my life and energy to just ignore them, which is not permitted.
nothing I say will make any difference, the pieces of shit will never change, and I must spend every moment thinking of the pieces of shit, and if ever I don't they start picking at the trauma.
the police-state is so set up that criticizing the police-state amounts to nothing more than falling into the hole that's created by their unitary lies.
of course, they don't actually have any right to be anywhere, but they've taken over everything, own everything, ensure that I don't have anything, and am not permitted to be anywhere, which is somewhat backwards. this is accomplished by everyone being the same, gladly participating in my oppression, teaming up against me by the millions, and everyone saying the same things, which leaves no one to turn to.
the population does not permit me to have any solitude. if I move towards more solitude, I am so brutally tortured and my privacy so much invaded, that I am forced to accept something with them in it, and this so they can make me feel unwelcome and bully me and outcast me as they always do.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

the leeches will constantly convince you that you owe them something, and so although you may not even like them, and may wish for nothing more than for them to fuck off and die, they nonetheless will coerce you to devote every bit of your life to them.
they make it very difficult to register a sensation or think a thought when you are around them. and when you do think a thought, to them this is the equivalent of expressing this thought as being your opinion, and so you can only think thoughts that you would be ready to express as your opinion when you're around them. this is a little more than damaging of one's ability to think, and if this then forces you to be more talkative, they will not be very sympathetic towards that either.
if there is something that can be criticized about the thought you are thinking they are made to bark at you then as well. these will often be good criticisms that you yourself will make regarding your own thoughts if given a chance to. but when they get to it first, it doesn't fill you with desire to then make these criticisms, and so they are not exactly helpful, more damaging than just useless, and there is really nothing much better that they can do than go away.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

their ability to make faces will also give you the impression that you are not talking to idiots. but if you observe them you realize they just do everything you say they do, and so obviously you are talking to idiots. listening to anything they say rather than just looking at their faces will also give you a quick reminder. and it just so happens that they always all do the same things at the same time, and they all seem to be completely convinced that this society is what they say it is, despite them being enthusiastic participants in your oppression. the more you try to convince them or reason with them, the more they will prove to be pieces of shit, and always find ways to also make you think that it’s your fault.
I don’t suppose I would enjoy being constantly attacked by mobs even if they didn’t know my thoughts. of course, when I am constantly attacked by mobs who do know my thoughts, it is understandable that eventually I will begin having a problem with it. when a traumatic event such as this is a daily occurence year after year, the most important thing is to develop some kind of defence mechanism to shut them out in any way possible. but this very act of basic self-defence is actually one of the things that are least tolerated by the thought police (I am talking about defence mechanisms that I practice inside my thoughts). why all this ideology and manipulation, and why do I find myself buying into it again and again? it’s because I try to protect myself against the most basic and brute form of thought-rape which all of society would like to constantly commit against me.

The Methods Of Exploitation

- everything is controlled, everyone is the same, they work as a team against you in every aspect of your life, then they tell you this is a completely normal society, they all say the same, and they tell you that because you are the only one that says different then you must be wrong.
- they’ll make you think they’ve ‘changed’ or ‘matured’, which will make you not notice in what petty ways they are taking advantage of you.
- they’ll make you realize how great you are so that you will forget what pieces of shit they are, and then they take advantage of you.
- they’ll tell you that you are guilty of something serious, and the sheer seriousness of it is supposed to make you forget that you are not guilty of it. or they’ll create an event that is serious and that relates to you personally, which is supposed to make you forget that it’s created, and then anything you say is put in a context they’ve created.
- everything in the news is a metaphor, but everyone around you seems to take it literally, and the literal meaning is often the opposite of the metaphorical one as this relates to you. if you take either of the two positions, you will be put in the context of the opposite one.
- if you’ve succeeded to avoid being boided by one group, immediately the next group will try to boid you. no one will accept that you are just speaking for yourself, and they must always make everything come undone.
- if you have something to say, you are brutalized. but if you don’t feel like saying anything you are coerced to. then when once again you have something you feel like saying, you are again brutalized but with the justification that you’ve been coerced into saying it.
- they’ll fabricate a language, for example, english. there are hidden words inside every word, and this becomes more important than what you are trying to use the words to say.
- they expect you to believe a lot of things that don’t make any sense.
- they’ll define you as a ’solipsist’ and then expect you to prove to them that you are a true solipsist and also a good person. I only define myself as a solipsist for their sake. then they put your solipsism in the context of a world which this isn’t, and tell you that your character is the reason for your solipsism, not the nature of this world.
- nothing is more evident than that they don’t give a shit about anything. if I am ever caught giving a shit I am exploited for it. then they tell you that they are the ones who give a shit and you are the one that doesn’t.
- the list goes on