Monday, April 5, 2010

The Mob

Whenever I attain any peace of mind, or whenever anything in my life that is able to go semi-well despite them goes semi-well, immediately they ensure to bring it back to the path of targeting and policing me as a society and never allowing anything to change paths or to go anywhere. Immediately I will be pursued by anyone that is able to hold any out of context grudge against me for anything, and immediately any necessary context will be brought about, and immediately the story-lines will be made to accommodate the requirement to mark me for something or other and police me as a mob.

They are limited by absolutely no aspects of a self, and so can take exploitation to any extreme and operate by no other logic than that of exploitation. What’s usually exploited is precisely my existential attributes, while they are advantaged by their lacking of such, and then do it precisely in the names of these.

Everywhere I go I am targeted no matter what. When going anywhere I’ve never been to before, and when encountering anyone I’ve never seen before, I will be targeted according to my relationship with the collective. My relationship with the collective is based on spying on every detail of my life, and I will be policed by this relationship no matter where I go, and will be treated according to that relationship by anyone I had never seen before and anywhere I go that I had never been before. However, if anyone is able to hold any context against me that can work more effectively for purposes of targeting, and certainly if there is any context wherein anyone is able to hold against me something that I had done within some other context and by which they can better justify treating me in the required ways, they will just switch to that context. They constantly just switch to whatever context allows them to take exploitation to the greatest extreme.

Year after year they relentlessly police my thoughts by brutal rape and torture of the senses, and keep insisting and insisting on this. They purposely cough loudly around me and stalk me relentlessly and in large numbers and do this constantly and for long periods of time until a very thorough trauma is created and I am conditioned against coughs. Everything in my life is crippled by this, and after very long struggles to find ways to endure it without giving them reason to converge on me, I find that the only way to combat it is to respond to them in the same ways. And so, just one example. I go to this one place and am of course treated precisely to this as I am everywhere else. One day I begin to respond and there as well. It is of course intolerable to them when the one being collectively targeted is doing precisely the things they do to him. This was with one employee. Naturally, every other employee in that place now has it in for me whenever I return. Ones I’d never had any problems with have it in for me, I’m supposed to assume due to word of mouth. There are about 5 of them that now have it in for me due to my experience with one. I am eternally marked there now, and if I stop for a year I am still marked, and if I stop for two years I am even more marked. This is my treatment after having been obsessively conditioned against coughs by society, and I am just never forgiven.

In the same plaza there is another place I sometimes go into, where I am marked as well, for different reasons. I was once rude to an employee I felt was picking on me. 2 years later I return and have that incident with the earphones with another employee I felt was picking on me, and to whom I was rude in return as well. Next time I return to that plaza I go into the first store, and suddenly I am more marked there than ever and am treated like a complete criminal and undesirable, as though everyone had gotten together from all stores and designated me the great menace and witch and danger of the plaza. And their confidence just increases exponentially as it is affirmed by more and more of them that I am indeed this terrible danger and menace to the mob. And this is all a result of things they instigated and insisted on in the first place. And this is just one example, and next it will be somewhere else, and it never ends and it’s the same everywhere.

I am subjected to overly excessive standards of fairness and equality to them, while they operate against me as a collective. It is necessitated by this setup that I always be the target no matter what, and I am given no space to exist without giving them more reason to target me, which they are always eager to do. Moreover, everywhere I go everyone seems to know me and seems to know every detail of my life, while I’d never seen the vast majority of them. I have to walk around like this everywhere, and I can never know which of them will feel eager to attack me for some detail of my life. This is not excessively fair to me. And it always so happens to be me that’s not permitted any freedoms.

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