Monday, April 5, 2010


anyone I talk to will vehemently deny that anyone in the public knows who I am. no one in the public will ever actually admit knowing who I am, although they act like they very much do know who I am, act in reaction to every detail of my life, and have very set prejudices against me no matter where I go which are not based on any relationship with whoever I am encountering but are based on their relationship to my life. if I mention to anyone that everyone acts like they know me everywhere, this is only used against me. but every single time there is something in my life to be policed or exploited, it seems everyone everywhere very much knows who I am, and there will not ever be a single instance of me being able to avoid punishments, penalties, and retributions, no matter where I go, if I have questioned society or have infringed etiquette required by the constant monitoring of everything I do and of every thought I merely think.

and while certainly permitting no communication with them in the context of communication, every other detail of my life is put in the context of communication with them: activities inside my house, movements within society, thoughts that I think, and things I try to do with my life, are all put in the context of communication with them and judged by these standards. if I find it difficult to live without money, it will be treated as a betrayal of my relationship with them if I make any effort to encourage them to stop shunning me, and will be met with retributions. likewise, they’ll treat me in accordance or in retribution for thoughts that I think and for activities inside my house, and become coercively involved in my every movement within society.

the potential for exploitation of the target of the reverse-panopticon is of course tremendous, and this potential is lived up to. any member of the protected whole can infringe the targeted person in any way they please and is not accountable to a single of their actions and is protected by universal deniability. the methods of infringement are endless. any reaction or defense by the targeted person will only open the door for retributions against the person by large masses. the targeted person is kept isolated and has no defense against any member of the whole other than via the spotlight. the spotlight captures every reaction of the targeted person while obscuring everything else. the targeted person will end up being accused of targeting by means of simulated reactions, while being made to feel an obligation to be truthful by the oppression of the spotlight to a degree that only allows for more suspicion of the targeted person. others target the person precisely by simulated reactions and use this to prey on the person wherever he goes, but are not in the spotlight and are protected by deniability.

I live in the land of lilliput, in fact. by ‘in fact’ I mean that I present this as a criticism of the land of lilliput, rather than lilliput as an attribute of a delusion. by ‘delusion’ I refer to what would be designated as delusion by agents of mental health within the context of a real world, and am not thereby saying that what is presented as the real world is itself not in fact a delusion.
they put you in specific existential positions which are very difficult to describe, while everything is arranged to exploit your existential position. writing is supposed to be an instrument and a defense, but only provides more opportunities for exploitation. every single thing I write will provide more dark spots that can be exploited in every way. if I write about them denying everything they do, then if I am accused, or feel accused, or made to feel accused, of something I didn’t do, I will most likely deny it, and thereby I will be someone denying something, and annihilated by my own description. if I write about manipulation by means of double-meanings, then double meanings can be read into things I write, things around me can be arranged to create double meanings in things I write, or I can be put in existential positions where I have to use double meanings.
every tiny detail of my life is met with very large consequences. this is now not in reference to the particular things I mentioned in the last paragraph, but to very many things in my life in general. the lilliputians every so often will rebel against me, whenever some detail of my life gets out of line. I am not recognized as famous, a public figure, a public personality, an authority figure, a political figure, or anything of this sort. at the same time, I acknowledge the population as the police. this apparent double-standard of mine creates tremendous problems, WHEN EVERYONE EVERYWHERE ACTS LIKE THEY KNOW WHO I AM. they are the police, and I don’t commit any crimes against them, because they are the police.
I am constantly expected to squeeze down to the level of equality with the lilliputians, while not a lilliputian myself, within a system that is the polar opposite of being based on equality. there is absolutely no sense of perspective.

everything in my life is put in the context of my relationship with those that spy in masses on everything in my life. if anything ever changes in my life in any way, this is regarded as a betrayal of those that spy as a society on my life. the A.I. beings, which are in fact A.I. beings, will come in the name of being extremely well attuned to suggestions in my writings, although never to logic, and use this to disguise the policing of my thoughts: thoughts that I think and do not express. they are fixated in masses on me, while not acknowledging me as any sort of public or authority figure or personality, and use this to restrict all the freedoms I am told I have and which I should have.

if I was famous, and it was forgotten to be mentioned to me that I am famous, there wouldn’t be any one individual legally obliged to mention to me that I am famous, other than those who would be legally obliged to mention to me that I am famous, but it would have been extremely unlikely that not one of them would have taken it on themselves to mention this to me, and even more so that they would deny everything and use the denials against me.

whenever out of favour with the collective, large parts of the collective and sometimes every single member of society will be obliged to assert their individual right to make things as unfavourable to me as they can within the bounds of their legal rights, although not one of them had ever seemed to feel any obligation to tell me that I’m famous or anything of that sort. I’m not recognized as possessive of any authority or fame, but everyone acts like they know me everywhere I go, and this is definitely met with consequences whenever I am out of favour with them, financial, moral, and every possible other. the entire system is precisely and personally arranged against me, and so obviously nothing within the system can work against the system. in fact, being picked on by large masses in this manner would not be treated as acceptable if it was acknowledged as taking place, hence the deniability of every single thing they do which everyone including the police is there to enforce. if great masses were not constantly fixated on my every move, whether I write publicly or don’t do anything whatsoever in the public realm, I would be able to have all those freedoms I am strongly deterred against by unofficial means, including moving around within society, using my senses, and thinking thoughts, and so it’s convenient that they also deny knowing who I am if I ask them and that I’m also being shunned. granted, they will suffer no consequences by not admitting knowing who I am, and have nothing obliging them to do so legally, and in fact the legal system is there to enforce this deniability, but I find it interesting to compare this with the types of accusations they use their personal relationships with me to make.

and of course I am still being shunned, which seems to have been obscured during the course of the latest clampdown. they never fail to police and exploit every single thing in my life, but they can just completely shun anything I try to do with my life that’s positive. if I even mention money they’ll tell me I don’t need it, as it is understood that I am in a special position of being targeted by society and that while they can have money I ‘don’t need it’. likewise, it’s understood that I cannot have many freedoms at all, am not welcome in any public places, cannot do anything with my life, cannot have any privacy, cannot be permitted to think, cannot take an interest in political matters or anything else, and just about every other freedom I am told I have I do not have.
I write this, and so must consider the public I will have to encounter, and acknowledge that they will just have the same opinion.

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